"...Heather combines step-by-step application of practical singing technique with an infectiously lighthearted, relaxed attitude!"
How can I help you?
Not everyone has an easy experience of singing, (even those who sound as if they do!)
We all have a unique relationship with our voice which is often unexplored.
I believe that relationship influences the way we sing, how we learn and how we feel about singing and ourselves.
Many people abstain from singing to avoid associations with pain, shame or frustration.
As well as a singer and teacher I am a life coach and therapist.
Everyone's' experience of their voice is a unique blend of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
We explore other elements, identifying beliefs and fears that may hold you back - gently replacing them with practical skills, confidence and joy
It is such a joy to see my clients blossom - some from being unable to make a sound through their tears in my studio to singing in public or joining choirs which have transformed their lives!
We all have the right to enjoy our voice and nobody else has the right to shut it down.
It's YOUR voice!

Relax and Sing!
How's your relationship with your voice?
I need more confidence
Scared to be judged
I'd like to breathe better
I was told I couldn't sing
I'd like better technique
It's complicated!
Would you like to enjoy using your voice without stress?
My unique, holistic approach can help recognise your fears and barriers, learn practical solutions and free your natural voice!
(Anxious singers welcome!)
Meet Heather...
"...Heather is the warmest, most encouraging and generous teacher..."
I specialise in helping people find joy and confidence in their singing, wherever they’re starting from!
I'm an award-winning crossover vocalist and a fellow of Trinity College of Music conservatoire.
I have worked across all musical genres for over 30 years as a performer and creative.
A holistic voice coach - blending life coaching and hypnotherapy skills with practical, solid singing technique.
I have taught hundreds of clients, from terrified beginners up to professional performers and stars, including David Tennant, Matt Willis, Andy Bell, Katherine Ryan and Dori Sakurada.